KÖR has laid down the following issues as its central concerns:

  • to help art play an active role in the shaping of the city and its perception and appropriation
  • to show people new perspectives, approaches, forms of experience, and ways of acting in the city by means of art
  • to help shape public urban spaces with temporary and permanent art projects, breathe life into these spaces and reinforce their social qualities
  • to actively enable and encourage viewer's participation
  • to understand art not only as mere decoration but as an independent form of contemporary engagement with socio-politically relevant and topical issues of urban space
  • to take the educational mission of art seriously and to promote its enlightening aspect
  • to present art in public space as an important aspect of cultural work and, thus, to position Vienna more firmly within the international arena and to hone the city’s cultural profile in terms of today’s visual art
  • to improve, foster, and document the quality of art in public space
  • to help support young artists in a special way by commissioning temporary projects
  • to play an active role in the creative discourse as an institution
  • to relate to crucial cultural activities and social concerns of the city and take them up within the KÖR structure from the perspective of art
  • to explore prospective urban expansion areas as possible fields for artistic activities in order to participate in the shaping of public space at an early point in time