Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH continuously reconsiders the change that art and the public sphere undergo. The public sphere is seen as a basis for negotiating political and social affairs. Information and communication are called for as correlative strategies to generate, visualize, and critically question contexts.

The possibilities of art lie in interlinking different forms of perception, thinking, experimental arrangements, and aesthetic experience. Art in public space is capable of responding to special urban places and situations and can reflect and define their conditions and speeds.

The public sphere should present itself as an accessible field in which democracy, opinion forming, and sociality can unfold their effects.

Berthold Ecker
Berthold Ecker
head of the fine arts section of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs
Born in 1961 in Linz, art historian, curator and writer, lives in Vienna.
Since 1991 Fine arts division of the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna; 1998 MUSA Museum on Demand, reorganization of the contemporary art collection; since 2003 Head of the fine arts division of the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna; 2003: (with Bernhard Denscher) Month of Photographie in Vienna / European Month of Photographie, since 2007 Head of the fine arts division Director of MUSA Exhibition space for the contemporary collection of the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna; Exhibition e.g. Oberösterreich, die Zeichnung im 20. Jahrhundert, OÖ Landesgalerie, Linz, Steyr 1999; Leopold Birstinger, Leopoldmuseum Vienna, 2003-2004; Mutations I-III, in the frame of the European Month of Photographie, MUSA and various institutions in Paris, Berlin Bratislava, Moscow, Rome, Luxemburg 2008-2010; The 1950s: Art and Art Appreciation in Vienna, MUSA 2009; The 1960s: Fantastic Modernism, MUSA 2011; Lieselott Beschorner. Between the Abstract and the Grotesque, MUSA 2011; Beauty Contest, ACFNY + MUSA, New York, Wien 2011-2012; The 1970s: Expansion of Viennese Art, MUSA 2013.
Thorsten Goldberg
Thorsten Goldberg
Born in 1960, Berlin based artist, realized numerous projects in public space throughout Germany and in Europe (
He lectured at art academies in Muenster, Munich, Linz and last as Professor for Arts and Media at the Muthesius Art Academy in Kiel. As a member of different committees he is involved in the election and organization of competitions for art in public space. Thorsten Goldberg is member of the Advisory Board for public art Berlin (BAK) to advice the Cultural Senate of Berlin in matters of art in public space and is spokesman of the Office for Art in public space of the Kulturwerk of the bbk-Berlin.
Goldberg is Co-Publisher of "Kunst in der Großsiedlung (art in large-housing- -area) Marzahn-Hellersdorf", a complete printed documentation of more than 460 works and author of several texts on public art in Berlin. He is initiator and co-publisher of "Public Art Wiki", the Germany-wide internet archive for art in public space in the German-speaking area (
Marie-Therese Harnoncourt
Marie-Therese Harnoncourt
architect, the next ENTERprise – architects
Born in 1967; is graduate of the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and founded the next ENTERprise - architects in 2000 together with Ernst J. Fuchs.
From the beginning they have operated in a field that ranges from experimental installations to architectural practice, treating both approaches as equal and mutually influential.
Projects like Zirl House/AT, Stadtwind, Vienna/AT, Blindgänger, Hof am Leithaberge/AT, Lakeside Bath Caldaro/ IT, Installation Audiolounge, the project How to start a city?, the Open-air pavilion Wolkenturm Grafenegg/AT, House Fidesser Retz/AT, AZM Mainz/DE have been widely exhibited and published. Exhibitions include: Archilab Orléans/FR (2000, 2001, 2003), Secession Vienna, Biennale de São Paulo/Brazil (2003), Aedes Gallery Berlin/DE (2004, 2014), Manifesta 7 Rovereto/IT, Venice Biennale/IT (2004, 2006, 2010), aut-architekturforum Tirol/AT, Mackey Garages MAK Los Angeles/USA .
Since 1998 she has held teaching appointments among others at the University of Applied Arts Vienna/AT, University of Art and Design Linz/AT, Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava/SK, ESA École Spéciale d’Architecture Paris/FR.
Eva Maria Stadler
Eva Maria Stadler
KÖR jury president, independent curator and university lecturer
Eva Maria Stadler is professor for art and knowledge transfer at the University for applied arts in Vienna and curator for contemporary art. She was teaching at the University for fine arts in Vienna (A) and Munich (D) and at the State Academy for Fine Arts in Stuttgart (D). From 2012-2013 she was director of Galerie der Stadt Schwaz (A). From 1994-2005 she was director of the Grazer Kunstverein and from 2006-2007 she was working as curator in residence at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (A). From 207-2011 she was curator for contemporary art at the Museum Belvedere (A).
Barbara Wolffer
Barbara Wolffer
Director of the Institut français d’Israël
Born in 1973 in France, studied political science and european studies in Strasbourg and Lyon.
Since 2015 director of the Institut français d’Israël in Tel Aviv.
From 2011 to 2015 head of the department for visual arts of the City of Paris, which implements art in public spaces’ projects, was responsible for the contemporary art collection of the city and supports visual artists, art centers and festivals. Previously chief executive of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris. Participated in the creation of the European Month of Photography network, organisation of exhibitions and common projects.