The symposium was planned as a combination of workshops, public lectures and discussions. It was addressed to practitioners as well as theoreticians who were seeking a discussion on the possibilities of the independent establishment of their artistic and urbanistic practices within urban planning processes.
Specific artistic formats relevant to city planning were developed for the workshops in which experts from different disciplines and municipal departments participated. These could be directly experienced as new tools and methods of communication and production for current urban issues, and their potential for a realization in the (planning) practice could be explored.
Summaries from the workshops were presented before each evening lecture and put up for discussion. The contributions of the symposium were an essential part of the publication Planning Unplanned, which was published in 2014 as conclusion of the eponymous research project that Barbara Holub conducted at the Institute for Art and Design 1 at the Vienna University of Technology.
Barbara Holub
*1959 in Stuttgart (DE), lives and works in Vienna
Participants (selection)
Markus Ambach (artist and curator, MAP Projects, Düsseldorf [DE]), Anette Baldauf (cultural scientist Academy of Fine Arts, Wien [AT]), Regina Bittner (cultural scientist, Bauhaus-University, Dessau [DE]), Christine Hohenbüchler (artist, Vienna University of Technology [AT]), Grant Kester (art theoretician, University of California/San Diego [US]), Folke Köbberling (artist, Köbberling Kaltwasser, Berlin [DE]), Yvette Masson-Zanussi (European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP), Brussels (BE]); Markus Miessen (architect and architectural theoretician, Städelschule Frankfurt [DE]); Torange Khonsari, public works, London (GB); Paul O’Neill (artist, curator and art theoretician, Bard College, New York [US]), Alisa Prudnikova curator, Ural Industrial Biennial, Jekaterinburg [RU]), Mick Wilson (artist, curator and art theoretician, Valand Academy, Göteborg [SE], Osservatorio Urbano/Lungomare, Bozen [IT]), Georg Winter (artist, University of Fine Arts Saar, Saarbrücken [DE])
Concept and organization
Barbara Holub (Institute for Art and Design 1, Faculty for Architure and Spatial Planning, Vienna University of Technology), and Christine Hohenbüchler (Institute for Art and Design 1) in collaboration with Paul Rajakovics (Institute for Residential Building and Design) as well as Anette Baldauf, Stefan Gruber, Lisa Schmidt-Colinet (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna).
Partners and sponsors
kunst 1 - Institute for Art and Design - drawing and visual languages, Faculty for Architecture and Spatial Plannung, Vienna University of Technology
Institute for Residential Building and Design, Vienna University of Technology
Department of Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environmental Planning (IFOER), Center of Local Planning, Vienna University of Technology
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Barbara Holub/ Christine Hohenbüchler (ed.), Planning Unplanned - Darf Kunst eine Funktion haben? Towards a New Function of Art in Society, Vienna 2014.
Monday November 19, 2012
9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Closed Sessions 1+2
1 Tools and Strategies for the Urban Practitioner
2 Collaboration, Cooperation, Participation
2:00 p.m.
Lilli Hollein KÖR head of the jury, curator, journalist
Klaus Semsroth dean, Vienna University of Technology
2:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Soho Incorporated. Artistic Practices and Urban Redevelopment Anette Baldauf
Art and Architecture – A Public Initiative Torange Khonsari respondent Michael Zinganel
Coffee Break
Feldversuche in bewegter Stadt Regina Bittner
The Nightmare of Participation Markus Miessen
Einfache psychotektonische Übungen Georg Winter respondent Patricia Grzonka
7:00 p.m.
Workshop Reports
Paul Rajakovics, Mick Wilson
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Our Pernicious Temporality: Participation and Planning in Contemporary Art Grant Kester
Moderation Christian Kühn dean of the Vienna University of Technology
Tuesday November 20, 2012
9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Closed Sessions 3+4
3 Urban Practitioners and Commons
4 After the Applause
2:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Altering Architectures. New Models for the Future of Europe? Yvette Masson-Zanussi
Freies Handeln in besetzten Räumen: Zur künstlerischen Praxis zwischen Kunst, Stadt und Planung Markus Ambach respondent Angelika Fitz
Coffee Break
Praktiken des Alltags Osservatorio Urbano / lungomare
The Curatorial as Constellation: Durational Public Art and Cohabitational Time Paul O’Neill respondent Ursula Maria Probst
7:00 p.m.
Workshop Reports
Anette Baldauf, Stefan Gruber, Regina Bittner
7:15 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
The New Role of the Industrial Landscape: The Industries of Meaning Alisa Prudnikova
moderation Elke Krasny urban researcher, cultural theorist, curator