Folder — 2015

Das Denkmal für die Verfolgten der NS-Militärjustiz in Wien

On October 24, 2014, the Memorial to deserters and other victims of Nazi military justice was dedicated in a state ceremony on Ballhausplatz in the heart of Vienna. The memorial was erected by the city of Vienna. Artist Olaf Nicolai deliberately created only a pedestal – whoever steps onto it becomes part of the memorial, symbolizing the autonomous individual.

Editor: Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien (MA 7)
1082 Wien, Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 5
Text: Dr. Magnus Koch
Cover Photo: Iris Ranzinger
Layout: Dagmar von Wilcken
Print: Heenemann GmbH & Co. KG

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Folder — 2015

Das Denkmal für die Verfolgten der NS-Militärjustiz in Wien