Publication — 2017

Public Art Vienna 4, 2014-2016

The fourth volume in the series on art in Vienna’s public space offers a survey of the manifold projects realized and initiated by KÖR GmbH in the years 2014 to 2016. Mechtild Widrich’s and Eva Maria Stadler’s introductory contributions shed light on how such works deeply configure and inform the cityscape and critically reflect the transformation of the public sphere.

Publisher Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH
Year of Publication 2017
Preface Michael Ludwig, Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, Martina Taig, Maria Vassilakou
Texts by Eva Maria Stadler, Mechtild Widrich
Design Eva Dranaz, Jochen Fill; 3007
Language German/English
Details Hardcover, 264 pages, numerous ills. in color
ISBN 978-3-903153-17-2

Publication — 2017

Public Art Vienna 4, 2014-2016

Order via Verlag für moderne Kunst here.