Artist Book — 2022

maskelknie hoffensdick

This Artist Book is published on the occasion of the exhibition "maskelknie hoffensdick".
March 27 - April 10, 2022
Cube EXPORT, Vienna

Artist: Silke Brösskamp

Curator: Isabel Hufschmidt

Idea and concept: Silke Brösskamp, Isabel Hufschmidt

Design: Silke Brösskamp

Editing: Eva Maria Widmair

Translation DE-EN: Michael Strand

Printing: Gugler GmbH

Binding: Christina Petutschnigg Buchmanufaktur Vienna

Picture credits: all collages and motifs © Silke Brösskamp, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022
Photos page 12, 13, 20: Isabel Hufschmidt

© for the text: Isabel Hufschmidt

© for the Artist Book: Silke Brösskamp, Isabel Hufschmidt

ISBN 978-3-00-071604-1

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Artist Book — 2022

maskelknie hoffensdick