The 5th volume in the series about KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien (Public Art Vienna) shows the projects that were implemented and initiated by KÖR Wien between 2017 and 2019.
The priorities set by the KÖR Wien jury are diverse and are reflected in the chapters of the book—for example in “Public Art and Urban Development”, which illuminates projects in urban development areas of Vienna, their history and residents. “Public Art as Urban and Architectural Experiments” shows projects that created leeway and free space in the city and gave places other uses for a short period of time. In “Public Art and Public Housing” and “Public Art and Young People” there can be found two focal points by the jury that specifically address the residents of the city.
The Kunstplatz am Graben, used annually by KÖR Wien, and the newly designed Kunstplatz am Reumannplatz also find their way into this volume and show projects in those prominent places that shape the cityscape every summer. In addition to some performance projects that made the urban space a new experience, traditional topics such as KÖR Wien's engagement with public transport and commemoration accompanied the KÖR Wien jury intensively during their creative period, which enabled many projects to be implemented under these conditions that sustainably upgrade the public space.
Publisher: Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH
Year of Publication: 2021
Concept and editors: Franziska Figerl, Nataša Sienčnik, Martina Taig
Preface by: Kathrin Gaál, Veronica Kaup-Hasler, Ulli Sima, Markus Ambach, Claudia Büttner, Berthold Ecker, Sonja Huber, Doris Krüger, Michael Obrist, Martina Taig
Project texts by: Manuela Ammer, Eva Badura-Triska, Fina Esslinger, Eduard Freudmann, Lucas Gehrmann, Barbara Holub, Ilse Lafer, Cornelia Lauf, Dirck Möllmann, Vanessa Joan Müller, JL Murtaugh, Giorgio Palma, Genoveva Rückert, Eva Maria Stadler, Georg Traska, Mirjam Varadinis
Languages: German and English
Size: 303 pages
Copyediting and translation into English: Michael Strand
Graphic Design: Grafikum Studio für Gestaltung
Printed by: Gerin Druck GmbH
Published by: VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst GmbH
ISBN 978-3-903796-91-1

Available on request from Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien via or from Verlag für moderne Kunst.
EUR 28,98 (incl. VAT)
EUR 27,60 (excl. VAT)