Publication — 2012

Memory Site Turner Temple. Searching for a Reflexive Archeology

The Turner Temple was set on fire in the night of the November Porgroms of 1939. Whereas by today the sites of the other synagogues have largely been redeveloped for other purposes, the plot of the Turner Temple has remained vacant. This has offered KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien the opportunity to bring the temple's site, which had been negleted over the years, to the mind of the city's inhabitants. For this purpose a competition was held. Teams consisting of artists and landscape architects were invited. Iris Andraschek & Hubert Lobnigs and Maria Auböck + János Kárász were the selected winners. The publication introduces all the competition contributions.

Publisher KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH
Preface Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, Gerhard Zatlokal, Hannah M. Lessing, Bettina Leidl
Texts by János Kárász, Hubert Lobnig, Stefan Musil, Heidemarie Uhl
Language German/English
Details Paperback, 80 pages, color illustrations
ISBN 978-3-86984-309-4 (Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg)

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Publication — 2012

Memory Site Turner Temple. Searching for a Reflexive Archeology

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