FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
In which form has the expense budgeting to be submitted?
The submitted expense budgeting lists all expenses to be expected in detail and in tabular form. Subtotals for certain expenses (such as for the development of the project, production costs, fee[s] for the artist[s], maintenance) may be useful for reasons of clarity and comprehensibility. The sum total given in the expense budgeting serves as the basis for the financing plan.
Should the application list gross or net amounts?
Applicants entitled to deduct pre-tax and having a value added tax identification number submit a net expense budgeting. If not, the application should list the gross expenses.
May the grant be used to cover administrative office and infrastructural expenses?
No, the funds must not be used for administrative office and infrastructural expenses (website maintenance, office furniture, hardware, copy paper, phone costs, etc.). They are only granted for covering the expenses incurred in the implementation of the special project they are intended for (original receipts as proof).
What are the applicant’s own funds, and how much own funds are necessary?
The applicant’s own funds comprise the money and other assets belonging to her or him. These means flow into the project covering the expenses for the development of the project, its conception, or fees for the artist(s), for instance. Basically, access to own funds is no requirement for receiving a grant.
What if the actual costs of a project are higher or lower than those calculated in the expense budgeting?
Generally, the applicant has to bear all additional costs. If the amount needed for a certain type of expenses turns out to be less than the calculated sum (original receipts as proof in the final account), the funds not needed have to be returned.
Which details on the project’s period of time should the application form contain?
“The project’s period of time” refers to the time during which the project is visible in public space, i.e., the days from its opening to its removal.
Attention: Research and financial planning excepted, the project must not have got started at the time of the grant application’s submission.
How much time should I schedule for the implementation of my project?
In our experience, the implementation of a construction project in public space, including its preparation, can take a long time, therefore, it is recommended to plan several months for this.
Up to which period of time has a project to be submitted as a “temporary” project and from which period on as a “permanent” project?
Projects with an intended period of visibility of less than one year have to be submitted as “temporary” ones; projects scheduled to be presented for more than one year have to be submitted as “permanent” ones.
Which permits are required? Who applies for these permits?
All permits and approvals required for the realization of a project (authorities, author, Federal Monuments Office, etc.) have to be obtained by the applicant on her or his own initiative and at his or her own expense in good time.
What else is there to be taken into account when submitting a “permanent” project?
Contrary to a “temporary” project, a “permanent” project must be taken charge of and maintained. Depending on its location and its appearance, this responsibility can be taken on by one of Vienna’s municipal departments or one or more private individuals.
Can a funding application be submitted even if permits and approvals are outstanding?
Yes, an application for a grant may be submitted provided that the requirements for a positive decision and the party to be addressed for a permit have at least been established and preliminary talks have been conducted.
By when must the application have reached KÖR? May the application be submitted by the applicant in person?
The postmark on the application must not bear a later date than that of the given closing date. You are welcome to deliver your application in person on the day of the deadline by five p.m. at the latest. You have to make an appointment by phone in advance, however, so that we can see to it that the office will be occupied.
In what form must the funding documents be submitted?
The funding application (application form, project description, visualisation, cost calculation, financing plan, biographies and time schedule) must be provided in one hardcopy. Documents such as statutes, excerpts from the company register, models, portfolios, catalogues, CDs/DVDs,.... also have to be provided in one hardcopy. In addition, all of the above documents must also be provided once in digital form (USB datastick).
Who will examine the applicant’s project?
The projects are examined by an international jury of five appointed for a period of three years. Please consult out website for details on the current KÖR jury members.
When will the applicant be informed about the jury’s decision?
The jury convenes within six weeks after the deadline. Applicants are informed about its decisions in writing after it has met. Attention: When drawing up a schedule for the project, it has to be taken into account that the KÖR jury must have approved the project before its implementation begins.
May a project be revised and submitted again by the next deadline if it has been rejected when submitted for the first time?
No, one and the same project can only be submitted once.
Applicants interested in a preliminary talk and personal advice are invited to contact the KÖR office by e-mail (office@koer.or.at) or by phone (+43 1 361 01 99 - 0).