
FavoritesBritta Thie


Britta Thie’s Favorites tells of people living in the Viennese district of Favoriten in an episodic film and photographs. In each of the video sequences, the artist accompanies one or more persons to their favorite place in the district or lets them remember special experiences that they associate with the neighborhood. It’s all about everyday things, personal moments and stories. Giving the stage to the inhabitants of the tenth district, Thie’s Favorites unfolds a poetic portrait of the district and its beauty that does not embellish anything.

The media and performance artist Britta Thie, who lives in Berlin, often deals with social issues at the interface of analog and digital aspects of life in her works. Favorites incorporates the digital subtly rather than explicitly. The title of the work refers not only to the name of the tenth district but also to the terminology of apps such as Google Maps (“favorite places”) or Twitter (“favorite tweets”), which have already become a quite ordinary part of our everyday lives. The artist not only addressed her work’s protagonists personally in the street but, of course, also contacted them via Instagram location tags.


Columbus Center, 1. OG, 1100 Wien

Further Information

Britta Thie (* 1987) is a German artist, actress and director living in Berlin, GER.

With friendly support of the Columbus Center.

Episode 1 & 2 on Instagram here.

Episode 3 & 4 on Instagram here.

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FavoritesBritta Thie

Time Period

21. September 2019 until 20. September 2020

U1 Hauptbahnhof

Episode 1/11: GOLD (Joachim)
Episode 2/11: EIS (two women from the 10th district)
Episode 3/11: THEATER (two women from the theater group of the Stand 129)
Episode 4/11: SCHNELL (Bocar)
Episode 5/11: HOME (David)
Episode 6/11: MARKT (heads of the market, Viktor Adler Markt)
Episode 7/11: HOTEL (two women from the 10th district)
Episode 9/11: KALOYAN
Episode 10/11: SEE, MUSAVI
Episode 11/11: SOPHIE, MARKT

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