
What do the others have that I don't have? What do I have that the others don't have?Department für öffentliche Erscheinungen

What do the others have that I don't have? What do I have that the others don't have?

How do new and old-established residents of the Favoriten neighborhood see their living and housing situation and that of others? The answers to these questions show a multi-layered view from the inside out and—conversely—of the persons questioned. Who are the others? What makes them different? Speculations, wishes, and ideas become visible.

The pink-colored sides of the opinion banners show the answers to the question “What do I have that the others don’t?” provided by passers-by in the new Favoriten neighborhood in Helmut Zilk Park. The orange-colored sides comprise the answers to the same question given by passers-by in the old Favoriten neighborhood of Columbusplatz.

The passers-by in the new Favoriten neighborhood have written their answers to the question “What do the others have that I don’t?” on the cyan-colored sides of the opinion banners. The ultramarine-colored sides show the answers of the passers-by of the old Favoriten neighborhood.

The campaign invites residents to reflect on their neighborhood and their situation and to become aware of what they have and how they see themselves. More than 240 people took part in the four-day survey. On the banners inscribed on both sides, the old and the new neighborhood meet to form a new neighborhood and are united to a sculpture of communication.


Columbusplatz, 1100 Wien

Further Information

Department for Public Appearances is a group of artists from Munich whose members Peter Boerboom, Gabriele Obermaier, and Carola Vogt have been realizing projects together since 1995.

Weitere Informationen zu FOKUS FAVORITEN.

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What do the others have that I don't have? What do I have that the others don't have?Department für öffentliche Erscheinungen

Time Period

September 21st until November 2019; April 18th until September 20th, 2020

U1 Keplerplatz, Straßenbahn 1, 18, D, O: Columbusplatz

Education - Events


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