
House of TransitionAtelier Van Lieshout

House of Transition

House of Transition is an art installation consisting of several large mechanical objects ready for operation. It was developed and built by the Dutch artist studio Atelier Van Lieshout from Rotterdam. The installation consists of two parts: the towering Hammer House and Phoenix, a cluster of kilns and ovens.

Inspired by the history of the former Viennese working-class district Favoriten, Atelier Van Lieshout recall the mechanical working processes that once took place here. The studio consider the machines metaphors. The both destructive and constructive powerful potentials of the equipment stand for changes that the district is currently undergoing.

The massive drop hammer of the Hammer House has formed cars and other objects into compact metal blocks elsewhere. Destruction creates new resources. Phoenix contains various elements that deal with the enormous powers of fire. As with the Hammer House, these forces are creative and constructive as well as deconstructive and destructive. Metal has been smelted, ceramics fired, meat smoked, grilled or cremated, and bread baked with this very force. The installation presents the equipment in an inactive state. The destructive and productive transformation processes are highlighted on monitors and posters


Sonnwendplatz, Favoritenstraße 76, 1100 Wien

Further Information

Joep van Lieshout (*1963) is an artist and sculptor and has worked with a team since 1995 as Atelier Van Lieshout in Rotterdam, NL.

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House of TransitionAtelier Van Lieshout

Time Period

21. September 2019 until 20. September 2020

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