The app "Forever AR" is now available for free download in the App Store and Google Play:
FOREVER. A virtual memorial to Carlos von den Hügeln is a geo-based augmented reality project in public space of Vienna, Saarbrücken, Kassel, Venice and New York.
Carlos von den Hügeln was a French Bulldog who achieved fame as an artist during his lifetime. His work as a sculptor and performer is considered exemplary of Animal-made and Interspecies Art. In his honor, he receives a monument in augmented reality.
For this multifaceted digital monument, his cardboard objects were created as oversized in augmented virtual space and can be viewed via smartphone using an AR-App developed for this purpose. At ten locations that were significant for the life and work of Carlos von den Hügeln, his works will immortalize him forever in augmented reality.
In Vienna, a 3.5 km long pathway leads to six AR-Objects across the districts Brigittenau and Leopoldstadt, the former walking route of Carlos von den Hügeln. At the same time, AR-Objects will be set up at four other international art locations: the Giardini della Biennale in Venice, the Karlsaue in Kassel, the HBKsaar in Saarbrücken and the sculpture garden of the MoMA in New York.
Carlos von den Hügeln lived in Leopoldstadt from 2011-2014 and in Brigittenau in Vienna for three more years until 2017. If it were a matter of immortalizing a normal dog's life, one would probably choose the pet cemetery next to the Vienna Central Cemetery as the final resting place. However, since Carlos von den Hügeln is also to be honored as an artist, his AR-Memorial is additionally visible in places that are significant to the life and work of an artist.
Throughout his life, Carlos von den Hügeln worked as a sculptor and performer with various materials - preferably wood and cardboard. In his often-spontaneous actions, he created installation arrangements as well as formally reduced objects. Since his first series of works, Stöckchensammlung/Beißobjekte (2005), his oeuvre has grown into a considerable collection of more than 100 exhibits in a wide variety of formats. Even though Carlos von den Hügeln was rebuffed at an art academy in 2011 due to his anatomy, thus denying him access to an academic career, his works were shown with great popularity in more than 30 exhibitions in the following years, including TUFA Trier, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, studio das weisse haus, FRIDAY EXIT and Künstlerhaus Passagengalerie in Vienna, as well as Moltkerei in Cologne and Centre Culturel Kulturfabrik in Luxembourg. He leaves behind an extensive body of work. A large number of his actions have been documented in the media and his "Debut Film", first shown in 2012 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, is also archived in the work complex.
The virtual memorial to Carlos von den Hügeln can only be viewed via the FOREVER AR app. Therefore, install the app on your mobile phone. The FOREVER AR app is controlled via GPS data. Location and camera data of the users are indispensable for the use of the augmented reality app. The data is neither stored nor passed on to third parties.
Wallensteinplatz, 1200 Wien // 48.2296800, 16.3715272
Gaußplatz, 1200 Wien // 48.2267989, 16.3699514
Augarten Flakturm, 1020 Wien // 48.225001, 16.374065
Atelier Augarten, 1020 Wien // 48.2253186, 16.3817514
Volkertplatz, 1020 Wien // 48.2228454, 16.3866778
Kaiserwiese, 1020 Wien // 48.217069, 16.394297
Further Information
The project by Lena Lieselotte Schuster is a collaboration with Barbara Herold and the Verein für speziesübergreifende Kunst:
Lena Lieselotte Schuster * 1981 Bayreuth (D), lives and works in Vienna.
Barbara Herold * 1977 Munich (Germany), lives and works in Munich (Germany)
Verein für speziesübergreifende Kunst, founded in 2021, is an association for the promotion of post-anthropocentric collaborations and interactions of human and non-human artists* in the national and international art context.
Concept and Project Management: Lena Lieselotte Schuster
APP Development, Production: Barbara Herold
APP Development: Frank Groh
3D Scan Clean-up: Mert Akbal
3D-Scan: Lukas Posch, 3DEE Store
Graphic Design: Andrea Lehsiak
Website: Ulrich Steffens
Translation: Kamryn Pariso
Time Period
From September 9, 2021
Wallensteinplatz // 48.2296800, 16.3715272
Gaußplatz // 48.2267989, 16.3699514
Augarten Flakturm // 48.225001, 16.374065
Atelier Augarten // 48.2253186, 16.3817514
Volkertplatz // 48.2228454, 16.3866778
Kaiserwiese // 48.217069, 16.394297
Giardini della Biennale, Venedig // 45.429075, 12.358036
Karlsaue, Kassel // 51.310447, 9.497363
Inner Courtyard HBKsaar, Saarbrücken // 49.2327479, 6.9847911
Sculpture Park MoMA, New York // 40.7613865, -73.9768329
In cooperation with BMKOES and the districts of Brigittenau and Leopoldstadt.
Education - Events
- FOREVER: Eröffnung & 1. Begehung mit Martina Taig Thursday, September 9, 2021 / at 05:00 PM
- FOREVER: 2. Begehung: Carlos von den Hügeln – Wegbereiter der Interspecies Art Sunday, September 19, 2021 / at 02:00 PM
- FOREVER: 3. Begehung: Unantastbar. Ein philosophischer Nachruf auf Carlos von den Hügeln mit Samuel Camenzind Wednesday, September 29, 2021 / at 06:00 PM
- FOREVER: 4. Begehung: FOREVER Augmented Reality – Das Handy als Portal aus dem Irdischen mit Barbara Herold Sunday, October 17, 2021 / at 03:00 PM
Education - Printed matters
Cooperation partner/s