Andreas Fogarasi has designed an illuminated lettering for the facade of the Olof Palme-Hof, visible from afar, which takes up the former name of the cultural center with its event hall, adult education center, library and district museum and allows its utopian-integrative potential to radiate into the present. It brings the progressive idea of egalitarian encounter into the present, and illuminates the facade with its typographic-sculptural setting.
For his project "Culture and Leisure", which was awarded the Golden Lion at the Biennale di Venezia in 2007, Andreas Fogarasi intensively studied the history, present, and urban presence of socialist houses of culture in Budapest. At that time, his research also included comparable places in Vienna - adult education centers and houses of encounter.
The former "Haus der Begegnung" (House of Encounter) in the Per Albin Hansson housing estate, now "PAHO Event Center", was planned in 1972-78 as part of the modernist-monumental Olof Palme-Hof by the architects Carl Auböck and Wilhelm Kleyhons. It is located directly at the U1 underground station Alaudagasse, opened 2017, and forms the interface between the generously landscaped residential buildings and the Hanssonzentrum shopping mall.
Andreas Fogarasi has designed a new interpretation of the long dismantled lettering "HAUS DER BEGEGNUNG" (House of Encounter) for the distinctive facade of the great hall, which creates a perspective effect from white LED lines, and communicates the connecting vision of the location to the outside world, which is still relevant today.
Olof Palme Hof, Ada-Christen-Gasse 2, 1100 Vienna
Further Information
Andreas Fogarasi *1977 in Vienna, lives in Vienna.
Numerous international exhibitions, most recently "Nine Buildings, Stripped", Kunsthalle Vienna.
You can find the publication here.
Time Period
ab 23.09.2020
Education - Events
- Eröffnung Wednesday, September 23, 2020 / at 06:30 PM
- Präsentation der Publikation und Spaziergang durch die Per-Albin-Hansson Siedlung Saturday, November 6, 2021 / at 04:00 PM
Education - Printed matters
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