
Here comes the Earth. And after it nothing for a long time.Markus Jeschaunig

Here comes the Earth. And after it nothing for a long time.

Weightless in space, rich in oxygen and species, the "Spaceship Earth" glides through the vastness of space. Its crew of plants, animals, creatures, weather, climate, water, soil and particles compose a dynamic and complex coexistence. However, in times of anthropological influence on the biosphere, man has put the unhindered continuation of the spaceship in danger.

With his project Here comes the earth. And then nothing for a long time. artist and architect Markus Jeschaunig addresses the tension between microclimatic and macroclimatic urban and living spaces. A temperature-sensitive color motif is applied to the west façade and changes when the outside temperature of the city exceeds 25° C. The color is then applied to the west façade. The effect of the thermochromatic paint exposes a white grid on the façade, representing the theme of "urban heat island" and opening up a new way of looking at the city from a climate perspective.

The building of the Europe Pavilion itself is symbolically interpreted as a spaceship with the name "Earth 1.0". The grid structure stands analogously for the joint division of a ship's hull, but also for a cartographic urban planning grid of a new planning practice that puts climate first. The color white makes use of the albedo effect, which radiates incident sunlight and heat by means of increased radiation reflection, thus leading to a cooling of surfaces and a technically measurable cooling effect.

The lettering "You are Co-pilot of Spaceship Earth" addresses viewers in the street space in front of Vienna's Westbahnhof station directly and, above all, in a personal way, that they are part of the biosphere and have an influence themselves. The parallel to Richard Buckminster Fuller's publication of the legendary "Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth" is deliberately chosen: "We are all astronauts" wrote the visionary engineer and scientist in 1960. Furthermore, the project demands buildings' own ecological footprint by architecturally staging how a building responsively heats up and cools down again over the course of the year and time of day. The artwork becomes a public temperature display.


Facade of Stollgasse 17, 1070 Vienna

Further Information


Here comes the Earth. And after it nothing for a long time.Markus Jeschaunig

Time Period

June 11, 2021 to August 7, 2022

U3 + U6, Westbahnhof

In cooperation with art:phalanx.

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