The first official marker was laid down in the public space of Vienna in September 2014 when the area outside the Museum Quarter at the beginning of Mariahilfer Strasse was named Platz der Menschenrechte (Square of Human Rights). With the renaming of this central and highly frequented urban site, it was possible to symbolically inscribe the universal human rights in the public sphere of the city. In 2016, the Neubau District Administration and KÖR launched an initiative for an artwork that would visually translate and communicate the human rights.
Following an artistic design competition, the jury decided to choose the project submitted by Françoise Schein as winner for the following reasons: the jurors were appreciative of the complex idea of translating human rights into a work that has not only artistic quality but also offers an opportunity for participation and communication to serve not only the district but the education of another generation of urban citizens. It was also pointed out that the piece establishes a relationship with other human-rights cities.
The project is scheduled for implementation in July 2018.
Platz der Menschenrechte, 1070 Vienna
Further Information
Artistic Design at the Platz der Menschenrechte, 1070 Vienna
Awarding Authorities
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH in cooperation with Bezirksvorstehung Neubau
Invited Artists
Anna Artaker (AT), Fritz Balthaus (DE), Mona Hahn (DE), Françoise Schein (BE), Simon Wachsmuth (DE)
Shams Asadi, Menschenrechtsbeauftragte der Stadt Wien
Thomas Blimlinger, Bezirksvorsteher 7. Wiener Gemeindebezirk
Brigitte Felderer, Kuratorin, Kulturwissenschaftlerin, und Lehrbeauftragte der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Thorsten Goldberg, Künstler
Martin Krenn, Künstler
Cornelia Offergeld, Kuratorin und Kunstwissenschaftlerin
Ursula Schwarz, Magistrat der Stadt Wien, MA 7 - Kulturelles Erbe – Altstadterhaltung und Denkmalpflege
Preliminary technical examination
Monika Trimmel, Werkraum Ingenieure ZT GmbH
Competition winner
Françoise Schein
*1953 in Brussels (BE), lives and works in Paris
Time Period
realization planned for 2018
Education - Events
- Presentation of the winning design Wednesday, December 6, 2017 / at 06:00 PM
Cooperation partner/s