
making it 2/​sprache der straßevarious participants

making it 2/​sprache der straße

"making it 2/language of the street" is the second part of a neighborhood projects thought up by Mark Gilbert, Hans Hinterholzer and Wolfgang Niederwieser for Schönbrunner Straße in the 5th district. The goal of the project was sustainable revival and gentrification of the area. Each of the nine creative teams received an empty storefront rent-free for the duration of one year to be used as a workspace. In return, they committed themselves to conduct a research project on the topic language of the street. The first part of the project, making it, a storefront discussion of new Viennese architecture, took place from November 17 to December 2, 2000 and examined windows as interfaces between inside and outside.

Further Information

Participants of "making it, a storefront discussion of new Viennese architecture"

BEHF, the next ENTERprise, transparadiso,, HOLODECK.

Participants of "making it 2/language of the street"

Assocreation, ballesterer (magazine for offensive expansion of football horizons), framework (gallery for architecture and urbanism, Berlin/ Paris/Wien), ILAbor (institute for landscape architecture), in_between : architecture, Rain, Studio Margeriten (photographers' collective), raumspray (experimental multimedia collective), Sammer/ Streeruwit


making it 2/​sprache der straßevarious participants

Time Period

June 2004 - May 2005

Education - Events