As part of “100 years of WOMEN study” at the TU Vienna, which coincides with the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage in Austria, from 16 May to 16 June 2019 the Platform for Arguments will show manifold speeches and performances addressing the following questions: What new thinking and action does society need in order to break up crusted power structures and thereby (re)establish new shared values? What can "female thinking and acting" (regardless of gender) contribute to? Does it need a new form of feminism?
The culture of (political) speech as an open discourse, as introduced by Socrates, has increasingly been lost through demagogic political speeches, often excluding other opinions - as well as the culture of listening has been unlearnt. The walkable sculpture realized by students relates to the pie chart and questions the meaningfulness of statistics as well as the compulsion to climb up the career ladder. Current action is often one-sidedly driven by the pursuit of economic success which increasingly excludes humanistic and social values. However, advances in science and technology can only contribute to visions of a "good life for all" when linked to social and environmental values.
Speeches and (music)performances on the Platform for Arguments by:
Asma Aiad, Doris Arztmann, Sellers of „Augustin“ (magazine by homeless/ Vienna), Imen Bousnina, Die Brutpfleger*innen, Daniela Chana, Katharina Ernst, Frauen*solidarität, Petra Ganglbauer, Elisabeth Günther, Janea Hansen, Tereza Hossa, Liebstoeckel & Söhne, Mieze Medusa, Anna Mendelssohn, Susanna Oberforcher, Judith Nika Pfeifer, Purrr!_femme!_ance!, RADS, Raimar Stange, Marlene Streeruwitz, Lea Susemichel, Sweet Susi, theaterfink, Yosi Wanunu, Yasmo.
Realization of the Platform for Arguments:
Karina Baraniak, Kacper Bochynski, Kyriaki Deligiannidou, Theresa Edelbauer, Jana Faraj- Allah, Laura Farmwald, Georgia Georgiou, Angeliki Gkotsi, Heike Hümpfner, Eleni Kampouroglou, Chryssoula Koutsia, Katja Puschnik.
The speeches are recorded and can be listened to at the Listening Station (by Felix Redmann) in the foyer of the Vienna University of Technology. After the end of the project they will be available on the website of the Institute for Art and Design 1.
Wilted pink, envious yellow, leaden black
Referring to the Triadic Ballet (by Oskar Schlemmer) the performance questions the corset in relation to the current role of women or "female" behavior in society.
Performers: Imona Durovic, Chryssoula Koutsia, Nina Wohlfahrt, Yoko Rödel.
Costumes: Hendrik Hofbauer, Catherine Lindmayer, Yasemin Tekin.
The Platform for Arguments is a collaborative project of Public Art Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology, curated by Christine Hohenbüchler and Barbara Holub, Institute for Art and Design 1.
Vor dem Haupteingang der TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien
Further Information
Further contributions to the Platform for Dispute Speech were selected by the program advisory board (Markus Ambach, Claudia Bosse, Helga Gartner, Christine Hohenbüchler, Barbara Holub) via an open call (deadline March 31, 2019).
Speeches and (Music) Performances – artists: Asma Aiad, Doris Arztmann, Augustin- Verkäufer*innen, Imen Bousnina, Die Brutpfleger*innen, Daniela Chana, Dokumentations- und Beratungsstelle für Islamfeindlichkeit/Elif Adam, Katharina Ernst, Frauen*solidarität, Petra Ganglbauer, Elisabeth Günther, Janea Hansen, Tereza Hossa, Liebstoeckel & Söhne, Mieze Medusa, Anna Mendelssohn, Milan Mijalkovic, Susanna Oberforcher, Judith Nika Pfeifer, Purrr!_femme!_ance!, RADS, Raimar Stange, Marlene Streeruwitz, Lea Susemichel, Sweet Susi, Brigitte Theissl (an.schläge), theaterfink, Yasmin Hafedh aka Yasmo, Yosi Wanunu
Students involved: Plattform für Streitreden \ Platform for Arguments: Karina Baraniak, Kacper Bochynski, Hazar Çamtepe, Kyriaki Deligiannidou, Theresa Edelbauer, Jana Faraj-Allah, Laura Farmwald, Georgia Georgiou, Angeliki Gkotsi, Heike Hümpfner, Eleni Kampouroglou, Chryssoula Koutsia, Katja Puschnik
Listening Station: Felix Redmann Vertrocknetes Rosa, neidisches Gelb, bleiernes Schwarz \ Wilted Pink, Envious Yellow, Leaden Black: Konzept \ Concept: Simona Durovic Dramaturgie \ Dramaturgy: Nina Wohlfahrt Performance: Simona Durovic, Chryssoula Koutsia, Yoko Rödel Kostüme \ Costumes: Hendrik Hofbauer, Catherine Lindmayer, Yasemin Tekin
Performances on Youtube:
Eröffnungsreden von Anna Steiger (Vizerektorin TU Wien), Martina Taig (Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH), Lea Halbwidl (Bezirksvorsteherin 4. Bezirk), Nicole Berger-Krotsch (Wiener Landtagsabgeordnete und Gemeinderätin), Veronica Kaup-Hasler (amtsführende Stadträtin für Kultur und Wissenschaft), Brigit Hebein (designierte Vizebürgermeisterin), Christine Hohenbüchler und Barbara Holub.
Poetry Slam zu 100 Jahre FRAUENstudium, moderiert von Mieze Medusa mit Yasmin Hafedh aka Yasmo, Janea Hansen, Tereza Hossa u.a.
Karlstag Performances Teil 1 und Teil 2,
Auftakt mit Katharina Ernst, Solo LiveDrums
Plattform für Streitreden: Barbara Holub & Christine Hohenbüchler
Performance von Die Brutpfleger*innen
Lyrik von Petra Ganglbauer und Judith Nika Pfeifer
Performance mit Purr!_femme!_acne! // RADS // Wer hat Angst vor Matejka-Felden? Präsentiert von Henrie Dennis, Natalie Ananda Assmann & Mirjana Djotunovic Mustra, dem neuen KuratorinnenTeam der Wien Woche
Lyrik von Daniela Chana
Spoken Word Poetry von Yasmo (Kuratorin des diesjährigen Popfest Wien)
Performances von Mendelssohn und Wanunu
Anna Mendelssohn: „Free Speech“
Yosi Wanunu (Toxic Dreams): „In Search of Fear. Will Someone Please Tell Me What to Do With My Body?)
Lea Susemichel (an.schläge): “Feministische Medienpolitik gegen den Backlash“
Marlene Streeruwitz: „Verwirtschaftlichung. Verwirtschaftlichung. Verwirtschaftlichung.“
Susanna Oberforcher: „Rosa Mayreder – „und niemand hält sich mit der Frage auf…“
theaterfink – Vienna Street Puppets: „Jössas a Weib! – eine feministische Puppenrevue”
Susi Roggenhofer: "Das Reden der Ungehörten"
Milan Mijalkovic: "Allumfassende Zufriedenheit. Über das Apolitische."
Dokustelle Islamfeindlichkeit und Antimuslimischer Rassismus: „Über meinen Kopf hinweg“
AugustinverkäuferInnen: „Gegenreden. AugustinverkäuferInnen haben was zu sagen!“ in Kooperation mit Liebstoeckel & Söhne (Nicole Szolga, Andreas Pavlic und Eva Schörkhuber)
Platform for ArgumentsVienna University of Technology (Christine Hohenbüchler and Barbara Holub)
Time Period
May 16 to June 16, 2019
Education - Events
- Open Call Sunday, March 31, 2019
- Eröffnung Thursday, May 16, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Karlstag 2019 Friday, May 17, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Monday, May 20, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Tuesday, May 21, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Wednesday, May 22, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Friday, May 24, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Tuesday, May 28, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Wednesday, May 29, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Monday, June 3, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Wednesday, June 5, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Wednesday, June 12, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Thursday, June 13, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Streitreden Friday, June 14, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- Finissage Saturday, June 15, 2019 / from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM