
lake - Square for Children's RightsChristine and Irene Hohenbüchler

lake - Square for Children's Rights

Welle Mond und Zaun

und kein Miau`n

wir wollen schau`n

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention of Children’s Rights, the Square for Children's Rights has been artistically redesigned by the initiative of the gemeinnützigen Vereins Platz der Kinderrechte and in cooperation with the 20th District of Vienna.

With the aim of creating a separate space for children, a poetic, playful approach to the topic of children's rights has been achieved.

The existing sculpture, which was created in 2009 by children from the nearby Europaschule, has been integrated into a floor design, suitable for children. A soft surface has become a kind of gym mat and a space for movement, consisting of a suggested blue lake with an integrated wave, a yellow steel fence and a round body of light - could it be the moon? The now newly realised square attracts attention with its colour and comic-like forms, and can be seen from afar.

The idiosyncratic legs of the original sculpture are repeated twice in the lake, as if children were swimming here. The figures appear enlarged, like a reflection in the water – are they giant swimmers or large shadows? They spread their arms wide – are they trying to wave at us or just lying relaxed in the water?

The lake blends in its basic oval shape to the existing asphalt surface. The blue, elastic EPDM surface invites you to frolic. It forms a wave in the lake. This can be used as a seat for arriving groups of schoolchildren to relax, or as a play area for smaller children.

The curved yellow bar is an abstraction of a fence, but at the same time it serves as a barrier to the entrance to the underground car park. Its semi-circle shape establishes relationships with the soft lake and the sculpture.

At dusk, the simple sphere shimmers like the moon high above the Square for Children's Rights and illuminates the scene.


Platz der Kinderrechte, Winarskystraße 12, 1200 Wien

Further Information

Christine Hohenbüchler lives and works in Eichgraben and Vienna
Irene Hohenbüchler lives and works in Eichgraben and Münster


lake - Square for Children's RightsChristine and Irene Hohenbüchler

Time Period

November 20, 2020 to November 20, 2030

U6 Dresdnerstraße

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