Video installations by Gudrun Bielz, Peter Fend, Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, Gary Hill, Bernard Joisten, Pierre Joseph, Tins Keane, Philippe Parreno, Julia Scher, Ruth Schnell.
Vienna metro
Further Information
Gudrun Bielz, Peter Fend, Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, Gary Hill, Bernard Joisten, Pierre Joseph, Tins Keane, Philippe Parreno, Julia Scher, Ruth Schnell
About the project
"Topographie II/Untergrund" was part of the project series "Topography. Relevant Information" within the framework of the Wiener Festwochen. The series was originally planned for five years. Two stages have been realized:
Topography I/Banquet Room: Deep Throat, Martin Kippenberger
Topography I/Banquett Room: Smashed to pieces (in the still of the night), Lawrence Weiner
In parallel to the two Topography I projects, Gerwald Rockenschaub created media spaces on TV, on the big screen and for various advertising spaces.
Topography II/Underground: video installations in the Vienna metro stations by Gudrun Bielz, Peter Fend, Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, Gary Hill, Bernard Joisten, Pierre Joseph, Tins Keane, Philippe Parreno, Julia Scher, Ruth Schnell