
Performance & City Walk
Veza VisiteGertrude Moser-Wagner

6 p.m.: Welcoming at Veza-Canetti-Park, Tempelgasse 10, 1020 Vienna


  • Alexander Nikolai, District Mayor of the 2nd district
  • Cornelia Offergeld, Artistic Director Public Art Vienna

6.15 p.m.: “Ein Kind rollt Gold, Veza Sprache” (performance)
with Veza Fernandez (performance) and Ulrich Kaufmann/Sigrid Friedmann (projections)

6.45 p.m.: “Sorge tragen” (city tour)
by Gertrude Moser-Wagner

7.15 p.m.: Reading from texts by and about Veza Canetti at Atelier Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber, Glockengasse 6, 1020 Vienna
with Viktoria Hillisch (reading)

7.30 p.m.: Continuation of the city tour

8 p.m.: arrival at the project space MAG3, Schiffamtsgasse 17, 1020 Vienna
with Ulrike Oeter (performance and exhibition) as well as Carla Degenhardt and Doris Jauk-Hinz (art presentation)

No registration necessary.

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Performance & City Walk
Veza VisiteGertrude Moser-Wagner

Thursday, November 21, 2024 / at 06:00 PM
U1 Nestroyplatz


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