
Water in Penzing
Water, Mask, NightUrban Exploration and Performance in Penzing, 1140 Vienna

Boris Sieverts for Büro für Städtereisen explores the water in Penzing

The river Wien and the II. Wiener Hochquellenleitung run the full length of Penzing. Both are perceived more as structures than as bodies of water: the Hochquellenleitung in the form of its architecturally spectacular reservoir and the Wienfluss as a deep, walled shaft. The Büro für Städtereisen invites you to explore Penzing's waters, which dazzle through the architecture that conceals them.

A cooperation with urbanize! 2023.
Please register via this link due to the limited number of participants.
The meeting place will be announced after registration.
Participation is free of charge.

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Water in Penzing
Water, Mask, NightUrban Exploration and Performance in Penzing, 1140 Vienna

Saturday, October 7, 2023 / from 11:30 AM to 06:30 PM


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