
On the trail of the urban alter ego - Steinhof Atlas
Water, Mask, NightUrban Exploration and Performance in Penzing, 1140 Vienna

Workshop / Performance with Ursula Maria Probst

Based on the complex and contradictory history of the Steinhofgründe, curator and artist Ursula Maria Probst develops a performative choreography that gives voice to the architecture, into which memories and present activities are inscribed. A script of authentic, literary and fictional passages, forms the starting point for a polyphonic speaking choir. The participants can become contributors.

Meeting Point: Am-Steinhof-Theater, Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Vienna (access via Steinhofgründe)
Please register via: (due to the limited number of participants)
Participation is free of charge.

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On the trail of the urban alter ego - Steinhof Atlas
Water, Mask, NightUrban Exploration and Performance in Penzing, 1140 Vienna

Saturday, October 14, 2023 / from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM


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