
Westpassage. Artistic design of transport infrastructure Westpassage, KarlsplatzCompetition winner: Ken Lum

Westpassage. Artistic design of transport infrastructure Westpassage, Karlsplatz

The extension of the Westpassage is planned in connection with the expansion of the U2 subway line as part of the many renovation measures to be undertaken at the art square Karlsplatz to heighten its appeal as a cultural and urban node. The underground passageway presently extends from the main passage – near the entrance area to the U2 line – to the exit near the Akademiehof.
A direct expansion in the direction of the Secession with an exit in the immediate vicinity of the prominent art institution is already planned and is expected to be opened in 2005. The new passageway between Secession and Westpassage aims to open up the area of Friedrichsstrasse/Getreidemarkt which is difficult for pedestrians to access and make it more attractive.
A central design aspect for the visual and functional enhancement of the passageway is light. In keeping with the entire location, important areas of the busy underground passage are to be marked with artistic interventions. The point of departure for the development of an artistic concept are the glass case elements mounted into the wall at rhythmic intervals. These elements will be available for a consistent artistic design.
To develop a site-adequate art concept which does justice to the international character of the Karlsplatz area, the Board for Art in Public Space has organized a limited competition in which ten artists have been invited to participate. The final list will be published end of May 2005. The competition is organized by the Wissenschaftszentrum Wien together with the board of experts of Art in Public Spaces Vienna.


Westpassage Karlsplatz/Friedrichstraße, 1010 Vienna

Further Information

Westpassage. Artistic design of transport infrastructure Westpassage, Karlsplatz

Kunst im offentlichen Raum Wien in coopertion with Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG

Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG

Invited Artists
Angela Bulloch (CA), Jonathan Berkh (AT) und Cécile Nordegg (AT), Liam Gillick (GB), Thomas Locher (DE), Dorit Margreiter (AT), Constanze Ruhm (AT), Martin Walde (AT), Heimo Zobernig (AT)

Board of Public Art Vienna
Günter Steinbauer,
Executive of the management board of the Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG

Johann Hödl, Head of the Departements for Commercial Services and Controlling Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG
Hermann Knoflacher, Head of the Institute of Tranportation, Vienna University of Technology
Franz Kobermaier, Head of Departement of Architecture and Urban Design, MA19
Josef Zöchling, Building technician, Studio Kurt Schlaus

Technical preliminary
Michael Weingärtner, Head of Construction Team, O.K Centrum für Gegenwartskunst
Rainer Jessl, Media technician, O.K. Centrum für Gegenwartskunst

Wissenschaftszentrum Wien in cooperation withWiener Linien GmbH & Co KG

Edelbert Köb, Roland Schöny

Curator of vitrine
Rosemarie Burgstaller

Technical realization
Architect Michael Rieper, Initial conceptualization: Paul Petritsch, Scott Ritter

Project Management
Wissenschaftszentrum Wien

Production Management
Clemens Haslinger

Hermann Gugler, Andrea Holzmann-Jenkins

Scientific determination of factoids
SORA - Institute for Social Research and Consulting: Tina Brunauer, Christoph Hofinger, Christina Kein

Editing consulting
Horst Ebner, WIENCOM

Display and information technology programming
XEO Technologies, Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie m.b.H.: Klaus Weinhandl, Christoph Kauch, Paul Dengg, Wolfgang Reinisch, Norbert Math, Othmar Gsenger

Renovation concept for the Westpassage
Studio Schlauss

Statistical publications on the City of Vienna as items of loan
Referat Statistik und Analyse, MA 5, Magistrat der Stadt Wien

Competition winner
Ken Lum
*1956 in Vancouver (CA), lives and works in Vancouver (CA).



Westpassage. Artistic design of transport infrastructure Westpassage, KarlsplatzCompetition winner: Ken Lum

Time Period

summer - autumn 2005

U1, U2, U4 Karlsplatz

Education - Events

Cooperation partner/s