
Zerschmettert in Stücke (im Frieden der Nacht) /​ Smashed to pieces (in the still of the night)Lawrence Weiner

Zerschmettert in Stücke (im Frieden der Nacht) /​ Smashed to pieces (in the still of the night)

The New York-based artist Lawerence Weiner placed the following text on the flak tower in Esterhazy park: "Zerschmettert in Stücke (im Frieden der Nacht)/Smashed to pieces (in the still of the night)". With this, he reinterpreted the flak tower - from a symbol of National Socialism to an anti-war and fascism memorial. In a conversation about his work with Cheryl Kaplan, the artist said: "If you walk on a street in Vienna and break a bottle in the middle of the day, and if you do the same at night, it makes a completely different sound".


Esterházypark, flak tower, Fritz-Grünbaum-Platz 1, 1060 Vienna

Further Information


Lawrence Weiner
*1942 in the Bronx, New York, lives and works in Amsterdam and New York

About the project

"Zerschmettert in Stücke (im Frieden der Nacht) / Smashed to pieces (in the still of the night)" was part of the project series "Topography. Relevant Information" within the framework of the Wiener Festwochen. The series was originally planned for five years. Two stages have been realized:

Topography I/Banquet Room: Deep Throat, Martin Kippenberger
Topography I/Banquett Room: Smashed to pieces (in the still of the night), Lawrence Weiner
In parallel to the two Topography I projects, Gerwald Rockenschaub created media spaces on TV, on the big screen and for various advertising spaces.

Topography II/Underground: video installations in the Vienna metro stations by Gudrun Bielz, Peter Fend, Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, Gary Hill, Bernard Joisten, Pierre Joseph, Tins Keane, Philippe Parreno, Julia Scher, Ruth Schnell


Zerschmettert in Stücke (im Frieden der Nacht) /​ Smashed to pieces (in the still of the night)Lawrence Weiner

Time Period

seit November 1991

U3 Neubaugasse; busses 13A, 14A, 57A Haus des Meeres

Education - Events